南京林业大学讲师,硕士生导师。长期从事城乡绿地系统规划设计研究,在Landscape urban planning, Landscape Ecology, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening,中国园林等期刊发表文章,并担任审稿人。主持国家自然科学青年基金,江苏省自然科学青年基金等科研项目;参与美国National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation、犹他州交通局等科研项目,以及犹他州公园系统规划等实践项目。自2015年起在中美高校教授包括风景园林规划设计、园林规划设计、城乡绿色空间规划原理、风景园林专业英语、GIS in Landscape planning、Site Analysis & Planning、Cite and Regional Planning Theory等专业课程,获江苏省教育厅留学生教学观摩比赛特等奖,犹他州立大学科研、教学与社会服务综合贡献奖章等。 研究主要围绕城乡绿地系统规划设计,欢迎风景园林专硕和城乡规划科硕同学加入研究团队,共同推进环境行为学视角下体力活动及社交互动与建成环境的交互设计,关注环境&社会正义性视角下弱势群体需求,建成环境质量的智能测度和定向提升,绿地的空间规划布局与要素的优化更新等方面。方法层面共同致力于推进大范围高精度智能数据的量化研究,拓展多源异构大数据、计算机视觉、无人机等技术在城乡绿地系统规划更新方面的应用。 学术论文: Chen, S.*, Sleipness, O., Christensen, K., Yang, B., Park, K.... & Wang, H. (2023). Exploring associations between social interaction and urban park attributes: Design guideline for both overall and separate park quality enhancement. Cities, 145, 104714. Chen, S*., Sleipness, O., Christensen, K., Yang, B., & Wang, H. (2023). Developing and testing a protocol to systematically assess social interaction with urban outdoor environment. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 88, 102008. Wang, C., Zou, J., Fang, X., Chen, S., & Wang, H.* (2023). Using Social Media and Multi-Source Geospatial Data for Quantifying and Understanding Visitor’s Preferences in Rural Forest Scenes: A Case Study from Nanjing. Forests, 14(10), 1932. 陈硕蕾, 黄宬熹, 王崇骁, 邱冰*. (2023) 基于PRISMA的国内外城市公园质量评价工具研究进展. 园林,(录用) 陈硕蕾,王崇骁,汪辉,董琳*. (2023) 数字化进程下的风景园林规划设计教学内容更新,现代园艺,(录用) Chen, S., Wu, Z., Sleipness, O. R., & Wang, H.* (2022). Benefits and conflicts: A systematic review of dog park design and management strategies. Animals, 12(17), 2251. 赵欣杰,董琳,汪辉,陈硕蕾,王浩*.多元主体评价机制下新形态风景园林专业教材建构——以南京林业大学《园林规划设计》第四版教材建设为例.中国园林,2022,38(12):52-57. 汪瑞, 丁昊楠, 陈硕蕾 & 杨扬.(2022). 基于景观绩效评价体系构建的屋顶花园设计策略研究. 建筑与文化(12),245-247. Park, K.*, Farb, A., & Chen, S. (2021). First-/last-mile experience matters: The influence of the built environment on satisfaction and loyalty among public transit riders. Transport policy, 112, 32-42. Chen, S., Sleipness, O.*, Xu, Y., Park, K., & Christensen, K. (2020). A systematic review of alternative protocols for evaluating non-spatial dimensions of urban parks. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 53, 126718. Chen, S., Sleipness, O. R.*, Christensen, K. M., Feldon, D., & Xu, Y. (2019). Environmental justice and park quality in an intermountain west gateway community: Assessing the spatial autocorrelation. Landscape Ecology, 34, 2323-2335. Chen, S.*, Christensen, K. M., & Li, S. (2019). A Comparison of Park Access with Park Need for Children: A Case Study in Cache County, Utah. Landscape and Urban Planning, 187, 119-128 Sleipness, O.*, Powell, J., Anderson, D., Evans, D. McCann, R., Chen, S. (2019). Extension-based Community Engagement Project Contributions to Landscape Architecture Core Competencies and Professional Values. NACTA Journal Sleipness, O.*; Christensen, K. M., & Chen, S. (2018); Research methods within the MLA: Implications for scholarly inquiry in Landscape Architecture,Landscape Records, 会议论文/报告: Shuolei Chen; Ole Sleipness; Keith Christensen; Bo Yang ; Development, Testing and Application of a Protocol for Assessing Social Interaction in Urban Green Space: Systematically Observing Social Interaction in Parks (SOSIP), Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture/CELA Shuolei Chen; Ole Sleipness; Keunhyun Park ; A Systematic Review of Alternative Protocols for Evaluating Non-Spatial Dimensions of Urban Parks, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture/CELA, Louisville, Kentucky, USA Shuolei Chen; Ole Sleipness; Keith Christensen ; Environmental Justice and Park Quality in an Intermountain West Gateway Community: Assessing the Spatial Autocorrelation, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture/CELA, Louisville, Kentucky, USA,2020 Ole Sleipness; Keith Christensen; Shuolei Chen ; Research methods within the MLA: Implications for scholarly inquiry in Landscape Architecture, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture/CELA, Blackburg, Virginia, USA, 2018 Keith Christensen; Sarawut Jansuwan; Anthony Chen; Shuolei Chen ; Social Network Characteristics that Influence Individuals with Disabilities' Transportation Choices, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture/CELA, Beijing, China Shuolei Chen; Keith Christensen; Shujuan Li ; A Comparison of park access with park need for children: Case Study in Cache County, UT., USA, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture/CELA, Beijing, China