专著与译著: 徐振. 南京城市开放空间形态研究(1900-2000). 中国建筑工业出版社,2016 徐振,韩凌云.
风景园林快速设计与表现. 辽宁科学技术出版社,2009 Andres Sevtsuk著,徐振 等译. 街道商业:营造充满活力的城市人行道. 中国建筑工业出版社, 2024 E. Talen著,徐振,刘安琪,韩凌云译. 社区:城市理想之设计.
中国建筑工业出版社,2020 E. Talen著,徐振译. 写给规划师的城市设计手册. 中国建筑工业出版社,2019 Kendra
Wilson 著,韩凌云、徐振译.景观写意(Doodle Gardener). 中国建筑工业出版社,2019 A. Simitch、V.
Warke著,徐振译. 建筑的语言. 辽宁科学技术出版社,2018 R. Alexander著,徐振,韩凌云译. 庭园景观设计.
辽宁科学技术出版社,2009 G. Reid著,韩凌云译,徐振审. 景观设计绘图技巧.
期刊论文(第一或通讯作者): 蔡珣, 王健慧,董一凡,徐振 .基于15 min生活圈的公园步行可达性分析: 以南京月牙湖公园为例. 园林学刊, 2024,41(08):81-91. 徐振,王健慧,陈妍,左燕. 存量更新背景下综合公园-周边社区步行可达性评估及微更新分析——以石家庄市长安公园为例. 中国园林,2023,39,(11): 42-48 徐振,李鸣珂,陈妍,周珍琦. 基于在线地图的综合公园骑行可达范围评估——以南京市主城区为例. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版).
徐振, 周霜, 陈飞. 浙江省绍兴市街景蓝绿空间多维度评价. 风景园林,2022,29(7): 111-117.
徐振, 高竹君, 周珍琦, 张洁芦. 校园坐憩空间研究——以南京林业大学为例. 现代城市研究,2021(4): 30-35.
徐振,周珍琦,王沂凡,韩凌云,邢佳林. 公园城市视角下的综合公园步行范围与城市形态分析——以南京为例. 城市规划,2021(3)
CSSCI 徐振,刘安祺,周珍琦,韩凌云. 基于百度地图的中学生步行通学路径与情景分析:以南京建邺区为例.
现代城市研究,2021(2):1-17. CSSCI扩展,中文核心 徐振,上官丹青. 健康场所视角下商业空间中儿童活动场地分析—以南京为例.
华中建筑, 2021(1):63-67. 徐振,王沂凡,徐秋霞,等. 面向积极生活的建成环境量表比较研究. 景观设计学,2020(2) CSCD
中文核心 张洁芦,周珍琦,徐振. 基于需求特征的大学设施布局适宜性评价研究.现代城市研究,2020(2)CSSCI扩展,中文核心
徐振,王沂凡.城市公园绿道使用者的游憩动机研究及其价值.中国名城,2020(2) 徐振,韩凌云. 开放空间及周边的风环境历史变化分析——以南京为例.
城市规划学刊,2018(2): 81-88,CSSCI 徐振,韩凌云,阮宏华. 生态学视角下海绵城市建设若干问题的思考.
江苏建设,2016.04.01: 34-37 徐振,韩凌云,杜顺宝. 南京明城墙周边开放空间形态研究.
城市规划学刊,2011(2):105-113,CSSCI 徐振. 面向理论创新的风景园林研究. 建筑学报,2010(6):
15-18,中文核心 徐振. 园林工程教学中GIS的运用. 中国园林,2008(4): 89-94,中文核心 徐振.
城市开放空间通用设计研究. 中国园林,2006(11): 22-25,中文核心 Yue Dai, Lifei Wang, Zhen Xu, Mingyu Li. How far and discernible are public toilets? A city-scale study using spatial analytics and deep learning in Nanjing, China. Journal of Urban Management. 2025, SSCI Zhen Xu, Yufu Zhong, Mingyu Li, Lingyun Han, Fei Xu. Catalyzing college students' well-being and creativity with campus outdoor spaces: A field study in China. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2025, 25,101744. SSCI Lihui Gao, Zhen Xu, Ziqi Shang, Mingyu Li, Jianhui Wang. Evaluating the accessibility and equity of urban parks using open-source data in Jiujiang, China. Land, 2025, 14(1), 9. SSCI Lifei Wang, †Yue Dai, Lingyun Han, Zhen Xu. Optimizing urban resource efficiency: A scenario analysis of shared sports facilities in fostering sustainable communities in Nanjing, China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2024 vol. 468, 143082. SCI Zhen Xu, Siqi Shang, Yufu Zhong, Lingyun Han, †Mingyu Li, Yihan Yang. Evaluating 15-minute Walkable Life Circles for the Senior: A Case Study of Jiande, China. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering. 2024, SCI, A&HCI Qing Ye, Zhenzhen Qin, Zhen Xu, Yihan Yang, Bing Zhang, Fei Xu, Zhibin Hu. Validation of the physical activity neighborhood environment scale using geographic information systems among urban men and women in regional China. Preventive Medicine Reports, 2024 vol.43, 102759. SCI Yan Chen, Bing Zhang, Mingke Li, Zhenqi Zhou, Zhen Xu. Concatenating daily exercise routes with public sports facilities, bicycle lanes and green spaces: A feasibility analysis in Nanjing, China. Land, 2022, 11(12), 2251.SSCI Shuang Zhou, Fei Chen, Zhen
Xu. Evaluating the accessibility of urban parks and waterfronts through online
map services: A case study of Shaoxing, China. Urban Forestry & Urban
Greening, 2022(77). SCI. Bing Zhang, Yan Chen, Keone
Kelobonye, Zhenqi Zhou, Zhen Xu.Delineating Walking Catchment of the Existing
and Proposed Public Sports Facilities with Open-Source Data: A Case Study of
Nanjing, China. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. SSCI Yifan
Dong, Bing Zhang, Zhenqi Zhou, Zhen Xu. Assessing the accessibility of swimming
pools in nanjing by walking and cycling using Baidu Map. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf.
2022, 2022, 11(10), 515; SCI Xu Qiuxia, Xu Zhen, Sun Chayn. Evaluation
schoolyard wind comfort changes due to rapid developments: Case study of
Nanjing, China. Atmosphere, 2021 vol.13(1), 43. SCI、EI Xu Zhen.
Neighborhood. Planning Perspectives. vol.36(6), 1306-1309. A&HCI、SSCI
Xu Zhen. The urban parks in Nanjing, 1900s–2000s: A brief introduction.
Planning Perspectives. vol.36(6), 1269-1292. A&HCI、SSCI Lingyun Han, Zhen Xu, Clive Sable.
Exploring the potential of urban (re)form: Modifying gated communities to
shorten school travel distance in Nanjing, China. Environment and Planning B:
Urban Analytics and City Science, 2021(0):1-18 SSCI
Liu A, Kelobonye K, Zhou Z, Xu Q, Xu Z,
Han L. School Commuting Mode Shift: A Scenario Analysis for Active School
Commuting Using GIS and Online Map API. ISPRS International Journal of
Geo-Information. 2020; 9(9):520 SCI Zhou Z, Xu Z. Detecting the
Pedestrian Shed and Walking Route Environment of Urban Parks with Open-Source
Data: A Case Study in Nanjing, China. International Journal of Environmental
Research and Public Health. 2020; 17(13):4826. SSCI & SCI Xu Z, Xu Q,
Wang Y, Zhang J, Liu J, Xu F. Association of Sedentary Behavior and Depression
among College Students Majoring in Design. International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020; 17(10):3545. SSCI &
SCI Xu Qiuxia, Xu Zhen, What can urban designers learn from changing
winds?[J],The Journal of Public Space, 2020 Vol.6 Xu Zhen. From Alnwick to
China: M. R. G. Conzen’s classic study in Chinese[J]. Urban Morphology, 2012
Vol. 16 (2):167-169, AHCI Liu Anqi, Xu Qiuxia, Gao Jiahao, Xu Zhen, Han
Lingyun.Improving schoolyard wind environments: Case studies in two schools in
Nanjing[J]. Geographica Pannonica. 2019;23(4):256-268 E-SCI, Scopus Wang
Xiaoyue, Liu Fang, Xu Zhen.Analysis of urban public spaces' wind environment by
applying the CFD simulation method: A case study in Nanjing[J]. Geographica
Pannonica. 2019;23(4):308-317 E-SCI, Scopus
Mingyu Li, Zhen Xu, Ziqi
Shang, Jianhui Wang, Yufu Zhong and Y.P. LI. Examining the walking environment
for more inclusive metro-park integration (film track). Council of Educators in
Landscape Architecture Conference, Mar 16-18, 2023, San Antonio, U.S.A
徐振*, 韩凌云, 徐秋霞. 健康城市视角下开放空间风环境分析 (分组报告).中国地理学会地理模型与地理信息分析专业委员会2022学术年会,Sep 17-18,
2022, 南京师范大学, 中国. Zhong Yufu, Li Mingyu, Shang Ziqi, Wang Jianhui, Dong
Yifan, Xu Zhen. Examining Green Space Affordance and Potential for Making
Healthy and Resilient Communities: A park-based study in Nanjing, China (oral).
The 5th Annual Sustainable Cities and Landscape Conference. 6-9 Sep, Shanghai
Jiao Tong University, China. Shang Ziqi, Dong Yifan, Han Lingyun, Xu
Zhen. Simulating pedestrian winds comfort in public space during a rapidly
developed urban area. A case study of in Nanjing (virtual poster). The 18th
International Conference on Urban Health (ICUH), 20 Aug-1 Sep, The University of
New South Wales, Australia. Xu Zhen. Reconstructing the Open space
transformation in Nanjing with Maps: Content and Discontent (oral). The 19th
International Planning History Society (IPHS) conference (IPHS). Jul 5-6, TU
Delft, Netherland Xu Zhen. Mapping the urban parks of Nanjing in the 20th
century with Historical-GIS (oral). The 6th Biennial Conference of East Asian
Environmental History (EAEH 2021). Sep 7-10, Kyoto University, Japan Dong
Yifan, Xu Zhen, Zhang Bing and Chen Yan. Assessing the accessibility of
non-motorized transportation around swimming pools with Baidu Map (oral). The
15th International Association for China Planning Conference. Sep11-13, 2021,
Nanjing University, China. Zhang Bing, Xu Zhen, Dong Yifan and Li Mingke.
Delineating walking catchment of gymnasium with open-source data: A case study
of Nanjing (oral). The 15th International Association for China Planning
Conference. Sep11-13, 2021, Nanjing University, China. Xu Qiuxia, Liu Anqi, Xu
Zhen, What urban designer can learn from the changing winds? Case study of
schools in Nanjing. The 13th International Association for China Planning
Conference, Chengdu, 2019.6
Xu Zhen, Han Lingyun. Measuring the
walkability around the elementary schools: a case study in Nanjing, China. The
14th International Conference on Urban Health, Coimbra, 2017.9 Xu Zhen,
Han Lingyun. Nurturing landscape architecture students’ ethnographical
perspectives via somatic and semantic experiences. 2017 CELA Conference,
Beijing, 2017.5 Lai Siqi, Xu Zhen. Foods are ideas: The formal and informal
urban agriculture ppractices in chinese cities (film track). 2017 CELA
Conference, Beijing, 2017.5 Xu Zhen, Han Lingyun. Open space transformation
in the fringe belt of Nanjing (1900s-2000s): a case study in southeast of the
old town. The 18th Conference International Seminar on Urban Form, Montreal,
Xu Zhen, Han Lingyun. On
methods of teaching landscape construction with effectiveness, vividness and
concreteness. Proceedings of The 47th IFLA World Congress, Suzhou, 2010.5, ISTP
学术报告与分论坛主持: 南京滨水空间演变:1900s-2000s(学术报告).
第四届青年风景园林师圆桌论坛, 北京林业大学, 2016. The open spaces in Nanjing, 1900s-2000s(学术报告
). Harvard Geography Colloquium, 哈佛大学地理信息中心, 2015. E3 Session: The
fringe–belt concept. The 23th Conference International Seminar on Urban Form
(国际城市形态学会,分论坛主持), 南京大学, 2016.